2016: Ready to Change? Or Will You Stay the Same??

Hi Everyone!!

As mentioned in my last post, I am REALLY EXCITED about 2016!!! This year is going to be a life-changer, I can just feel it in my bones. I finally have gotten to a place where I want to change more than I want to stay the same. I’m not JUST talking about health and fitness but personal development in other areas of my life too- finances, career, organization, taking chances, etc. I’m tired of being stagnant these last few years. I know I’m capable of big and amazing things in my life but am realizing I am going to have to work harder to make the greatness happen! That’s ok with me though, I’m willing to put in the time in order to shine 🙂

That being said, I want to make this the year that I also help YOU reach your seemingly impossible health & fitness goals! How am I going to do that? I am now offering MORE support for anyone who wants to take it.  Beginning January 18th I’ll be hosting monthly Challenge Groups with other amazing Beachbody Coaches. But WHAT is a Challenge Group you say??

A Challenge Group is a small, exclusive & PRIVATE Facebook group for people who commit to spending 30-60 days focusing on their health, fitness and making small, daily lifestyle changes. These groups are about creating a better YOU, day in and day out. These groups are for people who are READY AND WILLING to do the work it takes to make a change in their life. Excuses don’t burn calories. Excuses don’t stop you from huffing and puffing going up the stairs. Excuses don’t allow you to be the BEST YOU that you can be. Hard work, dedication and commitment to a proven process is what is going to get you there. The leaders of the these Challenge Groups (myself & some fellow coaches) will be checking in with everyone daily and offering support, recipes, motivation, tips and advice on how to successfully complete a full workout program and change your habits for good. We’ve been, there done that (and are currently doing it!) so are eager to help you complete your journey successfully as well!

Not only do Challenge Groups give you support during your health and fitness journey, they also help you make new friends along the way! Challenge Groups have an amazing comradery that develops between like-minded people. You are all in the group for the same reason- you want to be better today than you were yesterday. We all do! So having a committed group of people on your side to help you achieve your goals is like nothing else! I have gained so many new friends just from participating in these groups. What else is great about these new friends? They are inspiring, hopeful, hard-working and encouraging. I don’t know about you, but my husband and my son definitely don’t get excited over health and fitness like I do. So in order to keep myself accountable and motivated I HAVE to be part of one of these accountability groups online where I KNOW I’ll get the support I crave. I’ve had such great results from this system in the past couple years that I want to share it with you this year!!

So how do you join my Challenge Group? Great question! See the details below and please reach out if you have any questions at all! Beachbody offers A TON of AMAZING workout programs and I can help you pick the perfect one for your  needs and goals!

Challenge Group Requirements:

1.  I must be your assigned Team Beachbody Coach.  If you already have a coach or you ARE A COACH then please contact your coach for their next group.  If you do not have a coach make me your coach here!

2.  You must commit to both a Beachbody Fitness program AND replacing 1 meal a day with Shakeology for 6 weeks (Fitness program & Shakeology must be ordered through me!)

3.  You must actively participate in the daily group check ins.

4.  You must have a strong desire to change your bad habits and a willingness to try new things.

If you meet the requirements then its time to complete the application or message me on Facebook or Instagram!! I will be selecting a SMALL group of individuals to join me in this group this week!

Also I want to mention that I too was skeptical as to whether or not a home fitness program would work…..  I was following people on Facebook who swore by them and finally after months of deliberation I decided to give Beachbody and “Challenge Groups” a try. I’m so glad I did!!! Check out my transformation below from doing InsanityMax30. I easily lost 12 lbs in 2 months from the comfort of my home. No dragging my newborn to and from the gym, no time wasted driving somewhere to workout. I’d nurse my son, plop him in his bouncy chair and I’d do a 30 minute workout. IT WORKS!!!! THE PROOF IS IN THE PICTURE!

Left side is Day 1 (2 months postpartum), Right Side is Day 60 (4 months postpartum)

InsanityMax30Day1to60 day60back

Dropping weight & getting healthy + forming great habits & making new friendships is the BEST feeling in the world!  You only come out better on the other end and now I want to pay it forward to you!  Are you in???

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